Change A Life For Just $35
Your gift can create immediate impact. With a donation of just $35, you can provide a homeless individual with a full 24 hours at Transitions, granting them access to all of our essential services. This includes a clean bed, three nutritious meals, professional counseling, and so much more.
Provide a month of meals for a client
For just $6 a day, clients can receive three nutritious meals at our Downtown Columbia Facility.
Make The Journey Home Possible
By sponsoring a client’s monthly stay, you are providing more than just shelter and food; it includes hygiene products, employment assistance, mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, transportation, case management, and support in finding permanent, affordable housing.
Your Dollars At Work
Donate By Mail
Individual and corporate donations can be made by checks payable to:
2025 Main Street
Columbia SC 2920
Legacy Giving
Invest in a future where everyone has a place to call home. By including Transitions in your will or estate planning, you’re making a lasting impact on our community.
Item Donations
Your in-kind donations are invaluable. From clothing and food items to furniture and appliances, your contributions support our clients in their journey to self-sufficiency.